Friday 16 November 2012


1. Do you think you were creative or not throughout your coursework?
In my coursework I feel I wasn't as creative as I could of been. I think this because I didn't do anything out of the ordinary to make the magazine something the audience will really remember. I did try and make things stand out and interesting, but looking back on it I could of tried things that are much more unusual e.g. making the music band's 'look' more wild and unique. By doing this the band would stand out to an audience as they'll either love it or hate it, like for example Lady Gaga who tends to dress in extremely unusual outfits or do crazy things in her music videos, and all of this is remembered.

2. Did technology enhance your creativity or not?
I definitely feel technology helped my creativity as I was able to change and design things in certain ways to make the magazine how I'd planned, but on the other hand it also effected some of my ideas by not letting me create particular things how I wanted them. This problem left me having to change my ideas either slightly or dramatically, some of which I did end up preferring. I think situations like this aren't avoidable as technology hasn't yet been made so you can do everything you want, so I think I should of come up with more ideas at the start which I could of turned too if there was a problem.

3. What ideas did you communicate and what stylistic techniques did you use? How did it relate to your interests/self-identity? 
For my magazine I used things such as questionnaires which I gave out to a certain amount of people to fill out and then collect back in to rally up the results and help me with what I would include. The results for example, told me how many people liked or disliked something, and so I would then put something appropriate into my magazine. Competitions and eye-catching text was another way of communicating with the audience as it caught their attention by having things such as 'WIN' in bold. This is obviously going make most people want to read on and see what they could possibly win. 

4. Was your product influenced by your environment?
I think my product was influenced by my environment in some ways as it was based on a magazine I would be interested in myself. I go most days seeing a bit of 'Indie' music somewhere even if it's not on purpose, and as I enjoy Indie I decided to create my product in that style. I feel a lot of people my age are in into Indie music as well and as I was aiming it at my age group, I thought it fitted well. However, I did doubt that the Indie style would be too difficult to pull off in a magazine as it can be subtle but still interesting. 

5. Was it original or did you add something extra to an original media text?
It was original as I created it all myself, including the band which was just made up, but I did look through lots of magazines and media texts that were already out in the media to give me ideas and something to relate back too. The designing was often me having to improvise as the original idea wouldn't go to plan, but in the end I found some way of creating what I wanted each time that happened.

6. Would you take any creative skills into future projects or have you been influenced to engage these skills in any other projects? 
Yes I would definitely take any creative skills into future projects as I feel they would benefit me when it came to designing and producing a media product for example, that needs my current skills and more. I think taking skills you already have to something else is always a good idea as you can learn to improve them and make them more successful. The skills could also be engaged with other projects as I know them now and therefore am able to use or not use when I choose.

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