Wednesday 19 December 2012

stereotypes homework

Middle-aged geek

  • The 40 year old virgin main character is a middle aged man who is stereotyped as a laid back guy who isn't very popular with women. 
  • He doesn't make much of an effort with his appearance which comes the assumption that he doesn't actually care.
  • Not socially confident, especially with the opposite sex. 
  • Goes through many comedy situations in his transformation to eventually be able to lose his virginity and perhaps find love.
  • One of those socially awkward guys who acts completely in the wrong way at times.

Cartoon geek
  • Image has been printed on clothing and other items
  • Stereotyped as the guy is supposedly clever, especially at science.
  • Wears glasses
  • Got a few freckles or spots that may be given to an unpopular person
  • It is a made up cartoon which means this is how someone imagines a geek

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