Wednesday 19 December 2012


Howard Gardner propsed a theory of multiple inteligences in his 1983 book Frames Of Mind. It was a model of intelligence that differentiates intelligence into specific 'modalities', rather than seeing it dominated by a single general ability.
In his theory he argues that there are a wide range of abilities and only very weak correlations among them. For example, the theory claims that a child who learns to multiply easily is not necessarily more intelligent than a child who has more difficulty within the task.

stereotypes homework

Middle-aged geek

  • The 40 year old virgin main character is a middle aged man who is stereotyped as a laid back guy who isn't very popular with women. 
  • He doesn't make much of an effort with his appearance which comes the assumption that he doesn't actually care.
  • Not socially confident, especially with the opposite sex. 
  • Goes through many comedy situations in his transformation to eventually be able to lose his virginity and perhaps find love.
  • One of those socially awkward guys who acts completely in the wrong way at times.

Cartoon geek
  • Image has been printed on clothing and other items
  • Stereotyped as the guy is supposedly clever, especially at science.
  • Wears glasses
  • Got a few freckles or spots that may be given to an unpopular person
  • It is a made up cartoon which means this is how someone imagines a geek

Glee (2009-)


Glee is an American musical comedy-drama series that focuses on the high school students that form together and create a choir group called the ‘New Directions’. Throughout the series the students not only experience highs and lows of their choir competitions, but also have to deal with relationships, sexuality and social issues. The students are bullied for being a part of the group, some of which experience a high amount of peer pressure to not join as it could potentially affect their reputations. There is some stereotypical bullying where the students get a slush drink poured over them for being a ‘loser’. They may go through ups and downs with each other but they do all eventually end up in a better place together and also as individuals. Their teacher Will Schuester, also experiences similar problems throughout the series, getting divorced, relationships, but mostly being bullied and constantly teased by his rival teacher Sue Sylvester.

The image above is of the main cast in glee and who are in the choir group 'New Directions'. Just from the image you can see there are a wide range of personalities and looks within the group like for example, the three cheerleaders Quinn, Santana and Brittany, who are classed as attractive and popular along with having that stuck-up attitude to everyone around them. Then there's characters such as Rachel and Kurt who dream of being successful performers in the future ahead of them, but don't particularly have the happiest everyday school experience, occasionally being bullied for who they are. This is where the relation is to the group 'Nerds and Geeks' that I chose to study. Rachel is singled out from everyone else because of the things she wears and how she chooses to be so focused on her future, whereas Kurt is bullied for being gay. These two cases are different but still both very stereotypically done as dressing different or being gay is something people would expect individuals to picked on from.

This is a screenshot of the reoccuring stunt that happens to the characters when they supposedly do something wrong in the eyes of the popular students. For example, when Finn decided to quit the football team to be in Glee club, the rest of the football team picked on him as they were annoyed, and clearly felt he was now some sort of loser. This sort of action is obviously an action that involves bullying Pretty much all of glee club eventually experience having a slushie chucked over them.

Monday 17 December 2012

The 40 year old virgin (2005)

The 40 year old virgin
Anna Smith’s article in the ‘Sight and Sound’ magazine – page 58 – Oct 2005 – Issue 10
·         “There’s a market for comedies about middle-aged geeks.”
·         “Andy has all the hallmarks of a movie nerd.”
-           “An extensive collection of Sci-fi models, a tendency to trip up over his own feet, and an audible head-scratching habit.”
·         “Andy is surrounded by a group of male stereotypes:
-          Jay: unfaithful black man with friends in prison
-          Dave: a lovelorn obsessive
-          Cal: filthy-minded pot-smoker."
The film is about a middle-aged man's journey to finally becoming intimate with a woman. I've included this screenshot from the film to show each individual look of the main characters. Andy (far left) is the the '40 year old virgin' and when you are first introduced to him you almost instantly understand why. He tends to dress smartly a lot of the time but in the lazy smart way e.g. polo top tucked into his trousers. However when he isn't dressed for work, he still manages to show that he doesn't seem remotely bothered about his appearance. Jay (2nd from right), Dave (second from left) and Cal (far right) are Andy's co workers in which he is currently surrounded by and of who all seem to be what you would call male stereotypes. In the screenshot, you can see Andy is wearing a disastrous shirt which is what many stereotypical nerdy people may be given in a description. The other three guys haven't got as much of a clothing problem but still all seem laid back with how they present themselves. The sign above them is an example of the urgency these men have to find love as they trying out speed dating. All four of them aren't the most attractive out there either and together they become this group of nerdy but funny, middle-aged men.

This is a clip from the film where Andy is discussing the matter of talking to women, and experiments as he uses his friend Cal's advice.

You can tell that Andy is finding it very awkward as he tries to speak to Trish and think of questions to ask her. This shows how un popular people can experience low self esteem issues when it comes to interacting with other people, especially the opposite sex.